Data editor

The Data Editor of the Econometrics Journal defines and monitors the Econometrics Journal's approach to data and reproducibility. In particular, s/he is the responsible of overlooking the correct implementation of the Journal's Data and Code Availability Policy for all articles, and of coordinating the team of replicators that conduct reproducibility checks on all articles that are accepted for publication at the Econometrics Journal.


The current Data Editor of the Econometrics Journal is Joan Llull, who is is Director of MOVE, Associate Professor of Economics at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and Associate Research Professor at the Barcelona School of Economics. He has served as Board Member of the Review of Economic Studies, as Associate Editor of SERIEs - The Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, and as Guest Editor of Labour Economics. He is the Data Editor of the Econometrics Journal since June 2021 and the Data Editor of the Economic Journal since December 2019. You can contact him at ectjdataeditor@gmail.com.