
Before you submit your paper for the first time

Read here about our Data and Code Availability Policy and make sure you comply with all requirements before you submit the paper for the first time. Check the cases in which exemptions to the policy can be granted and the procedures to obtain them. If you don't request the exemption at the time of first submission, you will not be able to do it later!

Data and Code Availability Policy

(This is a reproduction of the official Data and Code Availability Policy of the Econometrics Journal, which can be found here. In case of discrepancy, the official policy always prevails to the reproduction presented here.)

It is an integral and essential part of scientific investigation that results are easily replicated. We will only publish papers if they are accompanied by a complete replication package.

Such a package consists of:

Ideally, but not necessarily, it should include a makefile, so that all results can be replicated from the provided data and code using the make utility. This package will be posted alongside the article as Supporting Information.

Submission indicates that you license users to download, copy, and modify this material. Users of the material must acknowledge all authors as the original creators and The Econometrics Journal as the original publishers. The editorial board of The Econometrics Journal reserves the right to refuse publication of those papers whose authors do not comply with these requirements.

The editorial board of The Econometrics Journal recognises that some issues relating to data and programs may arise. Requests for exemptions from providing materials or restricting their usage must be stated clearly at first submission. The editorial board will then decide whether the submission can be considered.

The Econometrics Journal discourages papers that rely on completely proprietary data. As with other practical difficulties, authors who feel that their paper might constitute an exception should forward the case to the editorial office. Papers that are based on data that are only available at some cost (either monetary or because access to the data is limited, e.g., at a National Statistics office) and can therefore not be included in the package may in exceptional cases be considered. However, the authors will then still be required to provide all programs and instructions a researcher would require to replicate their results once the researcher has access to the data. The source of the data must be described in enough detail so that researchers can apply to obtain access to them. The authors will also be required to supply code that simulates data, as much as possible mimicking the actual data that were used in the application, as well as a file running the analysis on the simulated data. Alternatively, synthetic data can be provided.

Apply to exemptions to the Data and Code Availability Policy

If you are not able to comply with some of the aspects of the Data and Code Availability Policy (e.g. because you are using restricted-access data or you cannot obtain permission to re-publish the data), you should request an exemption at the time of first submission. You can find a set of FAQs questions about the situations under which you can or cannot apply to an exemption to the data and code availability policy here. If you want to request a Data Exemption, forward the case to the editorial office explaining in detail your situation.